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Taxonomy as Curation

The distinction between taxonomy and content is blurry.

Deane Barker has a knack for getting at the heart of interesting problems. Here, in the space of a single tweet, he gets at the fundamental nature of content and taxonomy.

At bottom, this is a CMS question: How do you decide whether a particular set of things counts as a set of categories (a taxonomy) or as a distinct content type? It’s a question that vexes content strategists regularly.

Here’s where we get to the conflation part.

Content is like a work of art. (Yes, I know this analogy may make authors even more precious about what they do. But bear with me.) A piece of content is like a painting—it’s a single, discrete thing that makes a particular point.

Taxonomy, on the other hand, is a work of curation. It’s the connective tissue that binds particular pieces of work into specific exhibits. Sometimes those taxonomies can be quite general (e.g., a gallery map that shows that French impressionists are in rooms 345–349 on the 6th floor). Other times, the taxonomy can be very specific (e.g., a sign explaining that the sketch you are seeing is the 4th draft of Hopper’s sketch for Nighthawks).

Art galleries make for a useful metaphor for re-thinking the overly broad label content.

For more context

What's all this business about art?

What to read next

We need better language for describing the stuff we write and the connective tissues that hold it together.

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