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On Entities

An entity is a set of attributes that forms a logically independent piece of content.

An entity acts as a wrapper for a particular set of attributes. The entity itself does not store data—the information is contained in the attributes. The entity simply defines an object as a particular set of attributes.

(Okay, technically, an entity is a sort of super attribute that contains a machine name, a human name, and some validation and permission rules. Again, this is important for developing a CMS, but not so important here.)

Referenced in

URIs and URLs

URI stands for Uniform Resource Identifier. A URI is a way of picking out a specific entity. The URI is how you pick out a specific thing, and how you distinguish that thing from different (if similar) things.

Think Tanks and the Body Field Problem

For a long time think tanks could get away with only a handful of entity types, because every think tank adopted the same approach to the body field problem.

Super Attributes

Remember that business about entities being super attributes? This is where it comes back into play. If I have an entity called news and another called article, both of which contain the same set of attributes, then they aren’t really two entities—they’re subtypes of a single entity type.

The Essence of Briefs

So is a brief one entity type? Or have we just described four different entity types?

Entities and Rhetoric

Entities define the attributes that make up a piece of content. Rhetoric is about the actual data contained inside those attributes.